(The People’s) Joker All the Way.
The Friday the 13th series ends with 12 movies. 12 movies!? Come on…
Whoever wins, we podcast.
Podcasters go to heaven.
Big Apple? More like Big Machete!
Meet the new blood, same as the old blood.
Jason lives, can you believe it?
You're never going to believe who's back... or is he...
They finally killed that Jason guy.
This podcast commentary is in 3D.
The pody count continues...
The 12-part commentary series begins.
This is the way the world ends…not with the theatrical cut but with the Cannes cut.
Richard Kelly once tweeted that he liked The Dead Zone, and now here we are…
Southland Tales on a Southland Tales podcast? Okay!
Keira Knightley. Tony Scott. Richard Kelly. Domino. 2005. What could go wrong? (Nothing.)
The new podcast series focusing on Southland Tales and Richard Kelly begins with a look at Mr. Donald Darko.
Don't worry. Thinking comes later.
We talk over one of the best movies of all time… and the 2019 Oscar ceremony…
You’re a podcast listener, Harry.