SXSW 2017: PIG: The Final Screenings

SXSW 2017: PIG: The Final Screenings

Pig is a nearly unwatchable, completely pointless display of deplorability. A crazed maniac (Andrew Howard) spends a day at his trailer torturing three people along with his insane pregnant friend (girlfriend? Former torture recipient? Don't look for an explanation of anything that happens). That's as much of a plot as you're going to find.

The film follows the exploits of these unnamed assailants with a single unbroken take for a vast majority of the film. The already stale technique creates an uncomfortably claustrophobic effect, but also ends up making the movie numbingly boring. The visual effects of the gore look just plain bad because they all are done in camera or just offscreen quickly. The blood looks like pink tinted Vaseline smeared on Howard's face. There also doesn't seem to be anything added or changed in editing. The film is in dire need of some color correction and sound mixing.

Pig is supposedly a satire of gender politics in America, although the only way to tell is to read the official description of the movie. The only way it attempts to get this point across is by scoring most of the movie with excerpts from Los Angeles's own infamous shock jock Tom Leykis's radio program. So, not only do you have to watch this uninterrupted scene of senseless violence, you also have to listen to the blathering of a misogynistic old man trying to teach idiots how to get laid.

It's a painfully unfunny assault on all the senses that doesn't give up until the credits roll after the unremarkable blip that is the twist ending. Pig ties the anchor around its own waist, jumps in the water, and when it reaches the seafloor, it starts digging.

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SXSW 2017: The Blood is at the Doorstep

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