I Assure You We're Podcasting: 5 - Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

I Assure You We're Podcasting: 5 - Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

The Kevin Smith retrospective podcast continues as Mike (@Mumbles3K) welcomes Matt (TheRealMattC) onto the show to discuss Jay and Silent Bob Strick Back and the state of New Jersey. They talk the 2001 film and Matt’s New Jersey residency, and how close he is to Kevin Smith, locationally.

Double Edged Double Bill 221: Bowfinger Films the Best Worst Movie About Movies

Double Edged Double Bill 221: Bowfinger Films the Best Worst Movie About Movies

I Assure You We're Podcasting: 4 - Dogma

I Assure You We're Podcasting: 4 - Dogma