Marcelo Makes a Podcast: Episode 3 - Plotting a Podcast Series with Matt

Marcelo Makes a Podcast: Episode 3 - Plotting a Podcast Series with Matt

Marcelo Pico (@MarceloJPico) has hosted and produced several podcasts in the past, even some that have never been released, but he’s serious about it this time: he’s making a podcast. On this episode, Matt Curione (@TheRealMattC) is the guest (surprise) and the topic is… making a podcast. They get into their podcasting history and then they talk about making a podcast series covering a director’s filmography. Which filmmaker, you ask? Well, there’s George Miller, Michael Bay, Robert Zemeckis, and James Cameron to choose from, so it’s anyone’s guess which one they decide to do in the future, you just have to listen to find out. Enjoy.

Keanu Believe It: Episode 32 - Something's Gotta Give

Keanu Believe It: Episode 32 - Something's Gotta Give

We Forgive You: Episode 12 - Sick Burn, Batman

We Forgive You: Episode 12 - Sick Burn, Batman