Monsters Never Die: Episode 4 - The Invisible Man

Monsters Never Die: Episode 4 - The Invisible Man

Your spooky hosts Matt (@TheRealMattC) and Jacob (@Jacob_deNobel) vanish without a trace this week as we get into James Whale’s classic 1933 picture, as well as its sequels! We discuss Invisible Men, Women, Agents, plus their various Returns and Revenge! From there your intrepid hosts tackle some of the worst films from both John Carpenter and Paul Verhoeven! So grab your favorite smoking jacket and goggles and don't forget to stay spooky! 

Soderbergh 28/28: Episode 32 - The Laundromat

Soderbergh 28/28: Episode 32 - The Laundromat

Marking the Marcs: Episode 1 - WrestleMania 2019

Marking the Marcs: Episode 1 - WrestleMania 2019