Seequels: Episode 13 - Universal Soldier: Regeneration
Your hosts Sara (@SaraSorrentino), Ale (@Sick__66), and Shak (@ShakExcellence) discuss one of the direct-to-video sequels to the original 1992 sci-fi action film, Universal Soldier: Regeneration. Let’s not even go into the timeline of this franchise, instead let’s discuss how almost every actor in this is indistinguishable, how truly dark the tone is, and… how bad this movie might be? Despite all that, might this be the DTV action film gem they’ve been looking for? Well…
This podcast is eligible for Best Original Screenplay.
Where we find out Southland Tales is an Alan Wake.
The glitz, the glamour, the snubs, the flubs, the Emilia, the Pérez!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let’s see if Thomas or Bryan make the final cut of this episode.