Talk Film Society, Assemble!: Episode 10 - Guardians of the Galaxy
What better time to revisit the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe than now? And who better to host our MCU retrospective than Sara (@SaraSorrentino) and Sam (@SamShotFirst)? Here, , they welcome guest (@thenickisaac) to discuss the movie everyone loves, surely, Guardians of the Galaxy. They ask the tough questions; most importantly, they wonder, "Are those really Chris Pratt's abs?" Listen, and get woke.
The Friday the 13th series ends with 12 movies. 12 movies!? Come on…
We come to this place for podcasts about ghosts.
A family-friendly Dan Aykroyd Ghostbusters movie?
From the original to Romulus, we're going to spending this episode in S P A C E !