Talk Film Society, Assemble!: Episode 13 - Captain America: Civil War
What better time to revisit the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe than now? And who better to host our MCU retrospective than Sara (@SaraSorrentino) and Sam (@SamShotFirst)? Here, it's a regular Talk Film Society: Civil War as they welcome Diego (@deggowaffles) and Marcelo (@MarceloJPico) to discuss and disagree over the final stand-alone Cap film, Captain America: Civil War. Let's face it, though, this is Avengers 2.5. And let's talk about that airport fight, I mean... Okay, listen to the episode and enjoy!
The Friday the 13th series ends with 12 movies. 12 movies!? Come on…
We come to this place for podcasts about ghosts.
A family-friendly Dan Aykroyd Ghostbusters movie?
From the original to Romulus, we're going to spending this episode in S P A C E !