Talk Film Society, Assemble!: Episode 20A - Ant-Man and the Wasp
Sara (@SaraSorrentino) and Sam (@SamShotFirst) return to bring you a canonical episode of TFS Assemble! Here, they discuss Ant-Man and the Wasp with guest Tyler (@aIexgarland), the 20th film in the MCU. How does the sequel hold up against the original? After the tragic ending to Infinity War, is this a welcome, comforting hug of a movie? And, of course, they talk about that Stan Lee cameo.
This podcast is eligible for Best Original Screenplay.
Where we find out Southland Tales is an Alan Wake.
The glitz, the glamour, the snubs, the flubs, the Emilia, the Pérez!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let’s see if Thomas or Bryan make the final cut of this episode.