Show Notes on Dream a Little Deeper: Saludos Amigos and The Three Caballeros
Saludos Amigos and The Three Caballeros are the Walt Disney Company’s sixth and seventh films from its Animated Studios. The films are loosely inspired by a government-sponsored trip Walt and a group of his artists took to Latin America at the height of World War II. The purpose of the trip was to create strong relations between the Americas and ward off Nazi influence in South American countries. The films have mixed reviews among critics and audiences in the Americas, and today is often scrutinized for its cultural imperialist messaging and depiction of Latin American culture.
Below you can find all the resources consulted, videos watched, and pictures referenced for our episode on Saludos Amigos and The Three Caballeros.
Demystifying Disney: A History of Disney Feature Animation by Chris Pallant (2011)
The Animated Man: A Life of Walt Disney by Michael Barrier (2007)
Hollywood Cartoons: American Animation and its Golden Age by Michael Barrier (1999)
Disney During World War II: How the Walt Disney Studio Contributed to Victory in the War (Disney Editions Deluxe) by John Baxter (2014)
Primary Sources
Saludos Amigos, dir by Norm Ferguson, et all (1942)
The Three Caballeros, dir by Norm Ferguson, et all (1944)
Adams, Dale. “Saludos Amigos: Hollywood and FDR’s Good Neighbor Policy” Quarterly Review Film and Video, 2007.
Goldman, Karen S. “Saludos Amigos and the Three Caballeros: The Representation of Latin America in Disney’s Good Neighbor”.
Kraidy, Marwan M. “Globalization of Culture Through Media” Annenberg School for Communication Department Papers, 2002, 3-7.
Nelson, Andrew Kelly. “José, Joe Zé Carioca: Walt Disney’s Good Neighbor Colonial “Monument” in Brazil” (2017)
Telotte, JP. “Crossing Borders and Opening Boxes: Disney and Hybrid Animation” 2015.
Walt Disney, directed by Sarah Colt (2015)
Walt & El Grupo, directed by Theodore Thomas (2008)
Videos/Video Essays
“The History of Walt Disney Animation Studios + (Part 2) - Animation Lookback” by ElectricDragon505
Jose’s Lines Translated on YouTube
Britannica entry on “Monroe Doctrine”
D23 Website
Walt Disney Family Museum on “Walt and the Goodwill Tour”
Wikipedia - The Three Caballeros
Wikipedia - Saludos Amigos
Screen shots
Content Warning
The content warning appears at the beginning of select films and you cannot skip it.
Pedro’s Bones (13:08 in Saludos Amigos)
Morgan Edwards
Morgan is a newscast producer in Tulsa Oklahoma, and worked in Disneyland as a photographer for three years. She is passionate about movies in general, especially disney movies. If she’s not watching Disney movies, she’s watching indie movies, like Donnie Darko.
You can find Morgan @modayne on Instagram
Tazmyn-May Gebbett
Tazmyn is a 22-year-old actress, writer , poet, and book blogger based in London, England. She is a proud Disney fanatic.
You can follow Tazmyn’s Book Blog on YouTube and on Instagram @teabooksandtazmyn, and you can find her poetry account on Instagram @tazmynmaypoetry
SC King
SC is a Tulsa-based filmmaker and has lived in T-Town most of his life. He loves creating and creativity, which is why he loves Disney so much. His current passion project is 300 Days to Mars, which follows pace courier Gabriel Highlight, his sassy A.I. Gibbons and a host of other cosmic weirdos as they explore the universe.
You can find SC on Facebook @SCKingOfficial and you can watch 300 Days to Mars: Zero Gravity on YouTube.
Sam Van Haren
Sam is the Associate Editor at Talk Film Society and is currently studying graphic design. He hosts the podcast Keanu Believe It, a Keanu Reeves retrospective, and appears on other TFS podcasts.
You can find Sam on Twitter @SamShotFirst and you can listen to his podcasts Keanu Believe It, Going Helms Deep, and TFS Assemble on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Soundcloud.
Lindsey Boulden
Lindsey is an Oklahoma native who works in television production. She’s been interested in storytelling since she was young, and loves watching anime and other types of dramatic storytelling with animation that captures the eye.
You can follow Lindsey on Twitter and Instagram @animequeen95
Diana Williams-Pohl
Diana is a theatrical technician in Tulsa Oklahoma. Currently trying to build her freelancing business, she spends most of her time technical directing for Blackjack Rewrite Company and working on and off with the Tulsa Ballet. She has a strange passion for books and stories, which is what drew her to theatre in the first place, but spends a lot of her downtime reading and writing her own stories and scripts.
You can follow Diana’s journey on Instagram (@dianeeyhu) and support Blackjack Rewrite Company on Facebook and Instagram.
Kayley Speilbusch
Kayley is a current junior at the University of Tulsa majoring in Creative Writing and minoring in Media Studies. She loves music and fantasy and sci-fi RPG video games. She’s originally from Ponca City, Oklahoma.
You can follow Kayley on Instagram @kayley_spiel